The subject of practicing Inner Feng Shui has many facets. One important aspect is staying present and enjoying the journey.

What does that mean? So let’s say one of your goals is to make $50,000 net this year in your business. And you are taking action and doing all the right things so that this dream can become a reality. What is your mindset now about reaching this goal? Are you living your life now so immersed in making this happen, that you feel that you will not be happy and satisfied unless this happens?
So many people get caught in what they want to have happen in their lives, so focused on making it happen, that they are not only living in the future but postponing feeling happy and fulfilled right now! It is the “I’ll be happy when” syndrome. What people often forget is the real reason we want to manifest something in our life is not because of the thing we want, but the feeling that having this will give us.
Right now, think about one of your goals, something you really want to manifest and are committed to making happen in your life. I will use one of mine as an example and take you through the steps.
I want to live in the country with enough space for a couple of horses, goats and chickens, and provide Equine Facilitated Learning Coaching classes and sessions.

1). In having this goal manifest, what will this give me – or what feelings will it give me?
This will give me a sense of peace and tranquility to be living in the country away from the noise, electricity and hustle and bustle of suburban living; I will feel happy and joyful to be able to play with my animals whenever I want to; I will feel uplifted and fulfilled to be able to share this with my clients; I will feel energized and healthy to live in a place that is quiet and peaceful with fresh clean air and surrounded by the beauty of nature and the heartfelt connection with my animals.
2). So now I focus on just the feelings this will give me.
Peace, tranquility, happy, joyful, uplifted, fulfilled, energized, healthy.
3). Is it possible for me to experience these feelings now in my life?
Absolutely! I can access all of those feelings NOW! I do not need to wait until I reach my goal to experience and have these feelings available right now!
When you have goals you want to reach, do this exercise so that you get very clear as to WHY you want this in your life. Focus on what feeling(s) it is going to give you.
This will support you in being present in your life now, and give you the spaciousness to enjoy the journey as you take steps towards reaching your goals.
Be sure to subscribe to the blog to receive more aspects of practicing Inner Feng Shui and how it can help you create a life you love!
Why Inner Feng Shui is Important to Conquer Your Goals
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Last Updated: February 7, 2017 by Siobhan Kohls
So many people get caught in what they want to have happen in their lives, so focused on making it happen, that they are not only living in the future but postponing feeling happy and fulfilled right now! It is the “I’ll be happy when” syndrome. What people often forget is the real reason we want to manifest something in our life is not because of the thing we want, but the feeling that having this will give us.
Right now, think about one of your goals, something you really want to manifest and are committed to making happen in your life. I will use one of mine as an example and take you through the steps.
I want to live in the country with enough space for a couple of horses, goats and chickens, and provide Equine Facilitated Learning Coaching classes and sessions.
This will give me a sense of peace and tranquility to be living in the country away from the noise, electricity and hustle and bustle of suburban living; I will feel happy and joyful to be able to play with my animals whenever I want to; I will feel uplifted and fulfilled to be able to share this with my clients; I will feel energized and healthy to live in a place that is quiet and peaceful with fresh clean air and surrounded by the beauty of nature and the heartfelt connection with my animals.
2). So now I focus on just the feelings this will give me.
Peace, tranquility, happy, joyful, uplifted, fulfilled, energized, healthy.
3). Is it possible for me to experience these feelings now in my life?
Absolutely! I can access all of those feelings NOW! I do not need to wait until I reach my goal to experience and have these feelings available right now!
When you have goals you want to reach, do this exercise so that you get very clear as to WHY you want this in your life. Focus on what feeling(s) it is going to give you.
This will support you in being present in your life now, and give you the spaciousness to enjoy the journey as you take steps towards reaching your goals.
Be sure to subscribe to the blog to receive more aspects of practicing Inner Feng Shui and how it can help you create a life you love!
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Category: Feng Shui, Mindfulness, Presence Process Tags: excercise, Feng Shui, fulfilled, goal accomplishing, goal setting, goals, happy, how to, Inner Feng Shui, living, tips
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