I Ching trigram – Ch’ien – HEAVEN
When I sink deeply into the energy of Helpful People and Travel, this is what speaks to me. When this area is in balance and harmony you will notice that people show up in your life as helpful angels. You could be at the grocery store and a person who works there magically appears at your side when you have a question, or you are having issues with your phone or internet and you get a technical person on the phone right away who speaks English so clearly that you can understand every word he is saying, and the man who cleans your carpets washes your screens and area rugs for free. Those are the little day to day occurrences of Helpful People.
The bigger more bodacious helpers are when you are starting a new business and the perfect web designer shows up via a friend of a friend, your old colleague who happens to have professional editing experience offers to edit all of your copy and the perfect, loyal, trustworthy employees are referred to you from an old client.
You are moving into a new house and your old neighbor knows the perfect, reliable, organized and reasonable movers. The new house needs painting and your co-worker knows the best painter who not only does a great job but has awesome creative ideas about color, texture and design and gets the job done quickly and for an obscenely low fee!
This area also holds the energy for your spiritual beliefs and the relationship to your unseen helpers; spiritual teachers or mentors who have offered guidance on your journey, including life-changing books you have read.
Touched by the divine experience of synchronicity, you find yourself standing in the right place at the right time, or meeting the right person at just the right moment. These people magically show up to help you with a project or with insights and inspiration for the next stage of your journey.
This is the area that brings you experiences of being positively changed by a helpful person or special place.
When the Helpful People and Travel area is in balance you experience your life as HEAVEN ON EARTH.

Enhance this area in your home if you would like your life to run more smoothly; to be treated with more respect; find the right people to help you with projects; attract clients, customers, mentors, teachers, employees, vendors and meet new friends; connect more deeply with your spiritual beliefs; receive inspiration and guidance; experience more synchronicity and always be in the right place at the right time.
This area is also related to Travel. Are there places you would love to visit? How is your commute to work? Where are you going in your life?
Here are some suggestions on how you can enhance this area of the Bagua:
Bring in colors of silver and gray; statues or photos of spiritual figures that you feel connected to; bells or chimes to call in helpful people; photos and objects that represent real people in your life that have helped you; a silver box with your requests for assistance written on pieces of paper; inspirational books that have supported you on your journey; photos, artwork or books that represent places you would like to travel to.
Helpful People and Travel
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Last Updated: March 31, 2017 by Siobhan Kohls
I Ching trigram – Ch’ien – HEAVEN
When I sink deeply into the energy of Helpful People and Travel, this is what speaks to me. When this area is in balance and harmony you will notice that people show up in your life as helpful angels. You could be at the grocery store and a person who works there magically appears at your side when you have a question, or you are having issues with your phone or internet and you get a technical person on the phone right away who speaks English so clearly that you can understand every word he is saying, and the man who cleans your carpets washes your screens and area rugs for free. Those are the little day to day occurrences of Helpful People.
The bigger more bodacious helpers are when you are starting a new business and the perfect web designer shows up via a friend of a friend, your old colleague who happens to have professional editing experience offers to edit all of your copy and the perfect, loyal, trustworthy employees are referred to you from an old client.
You are moving into a new house and your old neighbor knows the perfect, reliable, organized and reasonable movers. The new house needs painting and your co-worker knows the best painter who not only does a great job but has awesome creative ideas about color, texture and design and gets the job done quickly and for an obscenely low fee!
Touched by the divine experience of synchronicity, you find yourself standing in the right place at the right time, or meeting the right person at just the right moment. These people magically show up to help you with a project or with insights and inspiration for the next stage of your journey.
This is the area that brings you experiences of being positively changed by a helpful person or special place.
When the Helpful People and Travel area is in balance you experience your life as HEAVEN ON EARTH.
Enhance this area in your home if you would like your life to run more smoothly; to be treated with more respect; find the right people to help you with projects; attract clients, customers, mentors, teachers, employees, vendors and meet new friends; connect more deeply with your spiritual beliefs; receive inspiration and guidance; experience more synchronicity and always be in the right place at the right time.
This area is also related to Travel. Are there places you would love to visit? How is your commute to work? Where are you going in your life?
Bring in colors of silver and gray; statues or photos of spiritual figures that you feel connected to; bells or chimes to call in helpful people; photos and objects that represent real people in your life that have helped you; a silver box with your requests for assistance written on pieces of paper; inspirational books that have supported you on your journey; photos, artwork or books that represent places you would like to travel to.
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