The Bagua map is based on the I Ching – The Book of Changes, which is an ancient Chinese guide to right action.
The word Bagua literally means 8 Trigrams, which are the 8 main building blocks of the I Ching. Each trigram is associated with an important aspect of life that has a rich assortment of meanings and associations.
The Bagua map will show you where and how the chi or energy of your Health, Prosperity, Fame and Reputation, Love, Creativity, Mentors, Helpful People and Travel, Career and your Journey through Life, Knowledge and Wisdom flows or gets stuck throughout your home.
Working with the Bagua map gives every part of your environment special importance and meaning.
There’s Nowhere to Hide in Feng Shui!
Mapping Your Home
You can apply the Bagua Map to any building, parcel of land, room, or piece of furniture. Right now we will focus on mapping your home.
Imagine a bird’s eye view of your home with a view you’d have looking down from up above. Determine the overall shape of your structure, including attached garages, porches, room additions, and decks.
- Draw the structure of the main floor of your home w/ front door facing the bottom of page.
- Draw in the rooms and label them.
- With a different color, draw a box around the whole structure, it should be a square or rectangle.
- If you have an L, T, or U shape home, part of the box or Bagua map, will be OUTSIDE of your drawing of the structure.
- Divide the Bagua map into 9 squares, like tic tac toe board.
- Do not be concerned with where the rooms are as compared to the Bagua squares.
- One room may include more than one Bagua section.
- 2 or 3 small rooms end up in 1 Bagua section.
- Label each Bagua section you can abbreviate each section, for example: Health and Family would be H&F.
Notice which rooms and areas of your house fall into which sections of the Bagua Map.
What room or area is located in each Bagua area?
Is it organized?
Are there possessions that you especially love or dislike?
Do you see a correlation between what’s located in each area and YOUR QUALITY OF LIFE?
Do you have any areas missing from the Bagua?
This can be a VERY REVEALING process.
You may find that a Bagua area matches up with a place of harmony in your life or challenging area.
A Chinese Proverb to integrate this teaching:
When there is light in the soul, there is beauty in the person;
When there is beauty in the person, there is harmony in the home;
When there is harmony in the home, there is honor in the nation;
When there is honor in the nation, there is peace in the world.
What is your cost to cone to my home?
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Thank you.