Stategies 4 Wellbeing 760-533-5690

Love, Marriage and Relationships

I Ching trigram – K’un – Receptive Earth

Element – Earth

Most Yin – Yielding

Teaching – Adaptability, openness, trust, unconditional love.

This part of the Bagua is so rich and deep in meaning. It relates to our intimate relationships, significant other, our life partner and how we thrive when both partners openly receive, support and celebrates each other’s individual expression.

The foundation for experiencing a healthy, happy and fulfilling relationship begins with loving yourself and fulfilling your own inner needs and dreams which can then open the door to creating a healthy intimate relationship. Receive the love from yourself the way you’d like to receive from another.

This area also relates to ALL of your relationships;  friends, coworkers, neighbors, bosses, employees, service people, vendors, relatives, health care practitioners, teachers, mentors – anyone you connect with and have a personal or professional relationship with.

When this area of the Bagua is in balance, you will experience all of your relationships as a flowing dance of give and take, fulfillment, upliftment, and inspiration; including kindness, generosity, and compassion.

Enhance this area when you would like to be in an intimate relationship with your soul partner; improve the relationship you are already in; have happy, fulfilling relationships with all of the people you connect with in your life; have a healthier relationship with yourself.

Ways to enhance this area of the Bagua: add artwork that represents love and romance; objects in pairs (not PEARS! One women upon hearing about pairs of objects, installed ceramic Pears in her home!) – candles, pictures, flowers, statues; colors of red, white and pink; mementos from romantic getaways;  display a favorite photograph of you and your partner, this will support the happiness and longevity of your relationship. Because this area of the Bagua is also an Earth element, you can enhance and accessorize with objects or artwork in earth tones, especially skin color tones – which are warm, inviting and sensual.

Bagua story from one of my clients: My client was feeling very lonely. Her husband had a job that took him overseas for long periods of time. In her bedroom which was also the Love, Marriage and Relationship part of her home, were two paintings of a woman dining alone at a café in Paris looking out into the distance with a forlorn look on her face. WOW! I told her to replace those with nicely framed photographs of her and her husband during a happy time in their life. And voila! Within a few months her husband’s job title changed and he no longer had to travel and was happily home every night for dinner!

One more story about me! I had just completed my Feng Shui training at the Western School of Feng Shui. One of my deepest intentions and desires at that time was to meet my soul partner and be in a committed intimate relationship AND get married! I had one of my Feng Shui colleagues come over to Feng Shui my home. It is always a good idea to have someone else Feng Shui your home as it is so hard to “see the forest from the trees” in your own home. She knew my intention beforehand. One of the first things she noticed and commented on were multiple photographs of my Indian Spiritual teacher hung throughout my home. She felt that could be a HUGE turn off to any prospective new partner and she recommended that I take all of them down except one of my favorite ones. I promptly did as she suggested and guess what? Within 2 months I met my life partner where I worked and we are married and have been together for 20 years now! Yes, Feng Shui works!!!

2 Comments on “Love, Marriage and Relationships

  1. Thanks Jini! That photo of us was when I was leading Instinctual Movement classes and Steve did the percussion/live music, often with other musicians. Been feeling the pull to start those classes again. So good for helping people feel connected to and in their bodies. I danced for 3 hours straight last night at a party and I felt so incredibly uplifted, joyful and full of grounded energy today. I may combine Instinctual Movement with Mindfulness practices.