I Ching Trigram – K’an – DEEP WATER
Teaching: Honest and sincere assessment of our life by diving deep inside to find the answer.
Element: Water
So many of us have been challenged to define and be involved in our perfect vocation. We can spend years trying to figure out what we are here to do. This area invites us to ask the question “What’s next” many times in our life. The answer is inside us, not outside, so we have to be willing to go inside and listen. Then it will take courage to follow your inner promptings to move forward into a new direction on your journey through life, which is not always a career.
Enhance this area when you are not sure what your life’s purpose is; are not happy with your current job; are looking for a job; would like more clients or customers; would like a promotion at your current job.
Here are some ways you can enhance this area of the Bagua:
Install a water feature, fountain, waterfall (if outside), or aquarium; posters, paintings, collages or photos of streams, lakes, waterfalls or ocean; objects or images that symbolize your career; books that relate to your career or journey through life; image or plaque with your company name; colors of black, deep dark browns, maroons or deep blue; objects that are freeform or a flowing shape; mirrors, crystals or glass objects, sculptures or artwork.
Career and Journey Through Life
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Last Updated: March 31, 2017 by Siobhan Kohls
I Ching Trigram – K’an – DEEP WATER
Teaching: Honest and sincere assessment of our life by diving deep inside to find the answer.
Element: Water
So many of us have been challenged to define and be involved in our perfect vocation. We can spend years trying to figure out what we are here to do. This area invites us to ask the question “What’s next” many times in our life. The answer is inside us, not outside, so we have to be willing to go inside and listen. Then it will take courage to follow your inner promptings to move forward into a new direction on your journey through life, which is not always a career.
Enhance this area when you are not sure what your life’s purpose is; are not happy with your current job; are looking for a job; would like more clients or customers; would like a promotion at your current job.
Install a water feature, fountain, waterfall (if outside), or aquarium; posters, paintings, collages or photos of streams, lakes, waterfalls or ocean; objects or images that symbolize your career; books that relate to your career or journey through life; image or plaque with your company name; colors of black, deep dark browns, maroons or deep blue; objects that are freeform or a flowing shape; mirrors, crystals or glass objects, sculptures or artwork.
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