My approach to helping women overcome stress and get their life back is very effective because I focus on 4 important areas of life that work together which I call the 4 Pillars of Health and Wellbeing.
Physical Body – Nutrition, exercise, sleep, hydration, fresh air, and nature all need to be present for the body to be healthy. Good physical health is your foundation for life. Having vibrant health and vitality gives you the internal resources so that you can enjoy, contribute and create a fulfilling life.
Mental and Emotional Balance – Mindfulness practices alleviate stress by helping you stay in the present. Much of our stress comes from the thinking mind, ruminating about the past or worrying about the future.
Mindfulness practice will help you accept and be with challenges, rather than trying to push them away, which causes more tension and stress.
Learning to pause for a moment before reacting to stress or challenges allows you to respond and take action from a place of wise discernment, creating more peace in your life.
Discover through mindful inquiry, the core beliefs that are keeping you from living a healthy vibrant life. By examining your beliefs through inquiry, you can let go of habits and patterns that are not supporting you and begin to make conscious choices that do support your health and wellbeing.
Spiritual connection – A strong connection to your wholeness is essential to having vibrant health and wellbeing. Your unique spiritual connection is like oxygen for the soul. The English word “spirit” comes from the Latinspiritus, meaning “breath“, but also “spirit, soul, courage and vigor”. A healthy spiritual connection will breathe life into your goals, dreams and aspirations and give you a feeling of wholeness while lifting you up during some of your darkest moments.
Environment – When your home is a calm, tranquil, healing sanctuary that is clear of clutter and well organized, you will experience less stress and enhance your health and wellbeing while supporting your goals and aspirations. The art and practice of Feng Shui sees your home as a mirror of your inner consciousness which is reflected in your environment. The quality of your life and environment are dynamically connected. Living in a conscious environment through the practice of Feng Shui, will create many magical synchronicities of being in the flow rather than swimming upstream against the current.
Click here to learn more about why I work with my clients in this way.
4 Pillars of Health and WellBeing
My approach to helping women overcome stress and get their life back is very effective because I focus on 4 important areas of life that work together which I call the 4 Pillars of Health and Wellbeing.
Physical Body – Nutrition, exercise, sleep, hydration, fresh air, and nature all need to be present for the body to be healthy. Good physical health is your foundation for life. Having vibrant health and vitality gives you the internal resources so that you can enjoy, contribute and create a fulfilling life.
Mental and Emotional Balance – Mindfulness practices alleviate stress by helping you stay in the present. Much of our stress comes from the thinking mind, ruminating about the past or worrying about the future.
Mindfulness practice will help you accept and be with challenges, rather than trying to push them away, which causes more tension and stress.
Learning to pause for a moment before reacting to stress or challenges allows you to respond and take action from a place of wise discernment, creating more peace in your life.
Discover through mindful inquiry, the core beliefs that are keeping you from living a healthy vibrant life. By examining your beliefs through inquiry, you can let go of habits and patterns that are not supporting you and begin to make conscious choices that do support your health and wellbeing.
Spiritual connection – A strong connection to your wholeness is essential to having vibrant health and wellbeing. Your unique spiritual connection is like oxygen for the soul. The English word “spirit” comes from the Latin spiritus, meaning “breath“, but also “spirit, soul, courage and vigor”. A healthy spiritual connection will breathe life into your goals, dreams and aspirations and give you a feeling of wholeness while lifting you up during some of your darkest moments.
Environment – When your home is a calm, tranquil, healing sanctuary that is clear of clutter and well organized, you will experience less stress and enhance your health and wellbeing while supporting your goals and aspirations. The art and practice of Feng Shui sees your home as a mirror of your inner consciousness which is reflected in your environment. The quality of your life and environment are dynamically connected. Living in a conscious environment through the practice of Feng Shui, will create many magical synchronicities of being in the flow rather than swimming upstream against the current.
Click here to learn more about why I work with my clients in this way.