Stategies 4 Wellbeing 760-533-5690

Do Any of These Scenarios Sound Familiar To You?

You went to an Acupuncturist, and had a wonderful treatment, and felt really relaxed and peaceful when you left her office and you slept really well that night. But then your symptoms returned the next day. So you went back to her a few more times since you did get some relief, but the same thing happened again. You felt good for a few days and then the symptoms returned.

You have had trouble sleeping, and have been experiencing panic and anxiety attacks so you doctor prescribed either an anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication. Unfortunately, the side effects were so debilitating that you stopped taking them.

You took matters into your own hand and went to the health food store. You bought some herbal or homeopathic remedies that were supposed to help calm you down, relieve your anxiety, stress and help you sleep. And while they may have taken the edge off, it didn’t work. You still couldn’t fall asleep and when you did, you still woke up at 3:00 in the morning with your mind racing.

You decided to start seeing a Psychotherapist thinking that maybe talking about your challenges, problems and stress might work and relieve your symptoms.

You looked forward to your appointments and certainly felt better talking with the therapist, about everything that was bothering you. But when you left and re-entered your lifestream again, nothing much really changed in how stress was affecting your health and wellbeing.

A couple of books with accompanying CD guided visualizations were recommended to you about how to relax, relieve stress and anxiety and sleep better. You read them. Did the writing exercises in the books and listened to the guided visualizations. And you did start to find some relief. You felt a little calmer, reacted a little less and had a CD to listen to when you couldn’t fall asleep or woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep. It took the edge off for a while but was just too frustrating to have to continue to do all these things on a daily basis just to feel a little bit of relief with no real lasting change.

You got a handle on eating better and have started to exercise, you even lost some weight but you still are not sleeping well, are irritable, over-reactionary and snappy with everyone.

Click here to see if you are going through something like this.