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Podcast Interviews

Strategies For Wellbeing — Siobhan Kohls


Interview on “Non Toxic Environments Home Health & Wellness” podcast on how applying Feng Shui principles can enhance your Health and Wellbeing.

Click here for the interview.

“I’ll admit…Feng Shui has always been a little too ‘woo-woo’ for me. And if I had to hear one more TV interior designer say ” oh the Feng Shui of this place is horrible…”, only to move a chair and say VOILA!…. Joining us today is Shivam Kohls, who is not on…ly a Feng Shui practitioner, but she’s an author, life coach and an all-around EXPERT on personal well-being. I actually feel better myself just from listening to her!”

Here are 2 websites we should all know about and share with our friends for non-toxic building materials and products for a healthy home environment.



Interview on Mind Body Radio about my 4 Pillars of Health and Wellbeing program.
Click HERE for the interview.