Are you overwhelmed by the amount of stress you are under?
Probably not eating right, exercising, or sleeping well?
Nervous system hanging by a thread and feeling like you are going to unravel completely any day now?
Has the shit hit the fan in your life? Do you feel that the challenges are just piling up one on top of the other?
You are in the right place.
I have been where you are now.
I can help you get your life on track and back in balance.
Here is what happened to me and how I worked with it.
The year was 2009 when the shit hit the fan in my life. Proceeding this my father committed suicide by shooting himself in 2002. Then followed by a traumatic accident in 2012. I had lots of traumas in my nervous system. Which was why the events of 2009 were the last straw and unraveling of lots of layers of trauma and stress.
In 2009 the foundation under my feet crumbled away, leaving nothing but a huge empty dark void. I lost my job, gave up two addictions – smoking and food, lost 85 pounds and had to put my 17-year-old cat to sleep. Add filing bankruptcy, going through Menopause and was on the verge of divorcing my husband. We had no money and I had chronic insomnia.
Was I stressed, anxious, angry, and depressed? You bet! I felt that I had no resources, that I was completely debilitated and in despair. I thought I was nearing the end of my rope.
Honestly, there were days when I thought life was not worth living. When you are sleep deprived for that long, and under so much stress, it is hard to find anything to love about being alive.
Here is what I intuitively did to keep me from becoming completely unglued and unraveled.
I kept up with my new healthy eating habits.
I exercised every day either walking or working out at the gym.
I took a variety of natural supplements and herbs that helped to calm my nervous system and to bring down my high cortisol.
I used Byron Katie’s “The Work” to examine and inquire into the parade of stressful thoughts, beliefs, and stories that kept me in a prison of my own mind. Through her inquiry process, I discovered that I was living my life from beliefs and stories that were not true.
I used EFT (Tapping) to help me release stuck emotions by allowing my “parts” to be seen, acknowledged, and accepted.
My husband and I started seeing a therapist who was also a mindfulness teacher. I started learning about mindfulness practice and mindful meditation through Jon Kabbat-Zinn’s work. I practiced the Body Scan regularly, which is what gave me some semblance of being in my body at that time. I read most of his books on mindfulness. The one that helped me the most was “Full Catastrophe Living.” I started
I received regular chiropractic work, acupuncture, and massage.
I used our MRS mat regularly. This is a pulsed magnetic therapeutic healing mat you lie on that works with earth-based Schumann Frequencies and reduces EMF’s. This helps your cells detox and function at an optimum level. This was always relaxing, and I would often fall asleep while on the MRS mat, but I still experienced challenges sleeping at night.
Besides the mindfulness practice, I read other inspirational books to try to keep my outlook as positive as possible.
I stayed in contact with my friends and would pretend to be doing better than I was because I was ashamed about my life’s circumstances and not being able to heal it. I cried every day.
One of my stories and beliefs was that I had to heal myself using Natural Medicine. I have been an advocate and recipient of holistic natural medicine since I left home at the age of 17. So even at the urging of my friends and family, I refused to take sleeping pills to give myself a break and get some much-needed sleep. Until I couldn’t take it anymore. I had been doing Byron Katie’s, The Work, to examine my stories and beliefs. So, I used her process about my belief that it was not okay to take allopathic western medicine. When I saw that story and how it made me suffer, I was able to let go of that and got a prescription for sleeping pills. THAT was the smartest thing I did. As soon as I started sleeping my nervous system had a chance to calm down and heal. After a year I started tapering off the sleeping pills. Then WHAM! I had a traumatic injury which resulted in me taking 3 years off from work. Which was followed by my mom dying.
This is where Equine Facilitated Therapy doing the Presence Process came in to my life. Doing these two things began to facilitate the healing of my nervous system, PTSD, and unintegrated emotional charges.
I tell you this story, to give you hope that things will turn around and there are tools you can learn from me to help you get your life back on track and in balance even if your life feels overwhelming and you sometimes think you are losing your mind.
Part Two
When we moved to NC in 2020, it became apparent that my healing of insomnia was not complete. After buying our home and settling in, I began to have issues sleeping which then turned into full blown insomnia.
This time I was intent, clear and committed to healing this at the CORE!
I realized that the core issue regarding insomnia for me was childhood trauma with resulting nervous system dysregulation and effects of trauma still living in my cells, tissues, muscles, and organs.
I did an 8-week course with CBTI – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia which helped immensely with the mechanics and habits of insomnia. And which amazingly got me off ALL sleep aids!
Kept my circadian rhythm in balance by getting at least 15 minutes of direct sunlight between 8 and 10 am.
I learned many accessible stress less practices from Dr. Brian Alman, that continue to be invaluable for my mental health and wellbeing. He uses the ACE study questionnaire in his practice to reveal valuable information about childhood traumas that can adversely affect one’s mental, emotional, and physical health.
I had and still have a regular practice of mindfulness meditation, Feldenkrais exercises, qi gong healing, and various nervous system regulation exercises.
The conclusion of this story is:
I realized there is no end point destination in healing, but it is an ongoing spiral going upwards or like peeling an onion, there’s always deeper layers.
That true health and wellbeing describes a state of Wholeness.
My husband and I are still together, and our relationship is better than ever.
I learned and continue to practice a variety of healing tools because of this journey, and I share them with my clients to help them heal.
I feel I have reached a place of Wholeness and I sleep well most of the time. The rare times I do not sleep well, I manage it better and use it as feedback and information to explore what might be challenging or upsetting in my life.
I love my life and helping other women get their life back!
If you are struggling with stress and overwhelm please contact me for a no obligation FREE 30 minute consultation. I will share some resources and tools that can help you. If you see a good fit with us and are ready to take back control of your life, we can talk about working together.
My Story of Stress and How I Got My Life Back!
Are you overwhelmed by the amount of stress you are under?Probably not eating right, exercising, or sleeping well?
Nervous system hanging by a thread and feeling like you are going to unravel completely any day now?
Has the shit hit the fan in your life? Do you feel that the challenges are just piling up one on top of the other?
You are in the right place.
I have been where you are now.
I can help you get your life on track and back in balance.
Here is what happened to me and how I worked with it.
The year was 2009 when the shit hit the fan in my life. Proceeding this my father committed suicide by shooting himself in 2002. Then followed by a traumatic accident in 2012. I had lots of traumas in my nervous system. Which was why the events of 2009 were the last straw and unraveling of lots of layers of trauma and stress.
In 2009 the foundation under my feet crumbled away, leaving nothing but a huge empty dark void. I lost my job, gave up two addictions – smoking and food, lost 85 pounds and had to put my 17-year-old cat to sleep. Add filing bankruptcy, going through Menopause and was on the verge of divorcing my husband. We had no money and I had chronic insomnia.
Was I stressed, anxious, angry, and depressed? You bet! I felt that I had no resources, that I was completely debilitated and in despair. I thought I was nearing the end of my rope.
Honestly, there were days when I thought life was not worth living. When you are sleep deprived for that long, and under so much stress, it is hard to find anything to love about being alive.
Here is what I intuitively did to keep me from becoming completely unglued and unraveled.
practicing mindfulness, yoga, and qigong regularly.
One of my stories and beliefs was that I had to heal myself using Natural Medicine. I have been an advocate and recipient of holistic natural medicine since I left home at the age of 17. So even at the urging of my friends and family, I refused to take sleeping pills to give myself a break and get some much-needed sleep. Until I couldn’t take it anymore. I had been doing Byron Katie’s, The Work, to examine my stories and beliefs. So, I used her process about my belief that it was not okay to take allopathic western medicine. When I saw that story and how it made me suffer, I was able to let go of that and got a prescription for sleeping pills. THAT was the smartest thing I did. As soon as I started sleeping my nervous system had a chance to calm down and heal. After a year I started tapering off the sleeping pills. Then WHAM! I had a traumatic injury which resulted in me taking 3 years off from work. Which was followed by my mom dying.
This is where Equine Facilitated Therapy doing the Presence Process came in to my life. Doing these two things began to facilitate the healing of my nervous system, PTSD, and unintegrated emotional charges.
Part Two
When we moved to NC in 2020, it became apparent that my healing of insomnia was not complete. After buying our home and settling in, I began to have issues sleeping which then turned into full blown insomnia.
This time I was intent, clear and committed to healing this at the CORE!
I realized that the core issue regarding insomnia for me was childhood trauma with resulting nervous system dysregulation and effects of trauma still living in my cells, tissues, muscles, and organs.
The conclusion of this story is:
If you are struggling with stress and overwhelm please contact me for a no obligation FREE 30 minute consultation. I will share some resources and tools that can help you. If you see a good fit with us and are ready to take back control of your life, we can talk about working together.